
Showing posts from July, 2017

5 Common Mistakes Not to Make During Examinations

With the semestral examinations round the corner, most of us would be hitting our books right about now. And while it�s totally important that we�re well prepared for the exam hall, there are five things you could do to totally torpedo your chances at success! Don�t commit these mistakes! 1. Forget Your Seat Number With all the information you have crammed into your head, it�s easy to forget the simplest things � like your seat number, I kid you not. There have been records of people forgetting their seat number and sitting on the wrong table. This mistake is small but there are huge consequences. The last thing you would want is to submit your paper under the wrong name! Always take note of your seat number and ensure you�re seated at the right table before you proceed with the paper. 2. Forget the Necessary Stationery  It sounds basic BUT do not leave your calculator at home! Even if you have brought your calculator, ensure that it isn�t faulty and you have working batteries with y

Can you supply the Missing Type?

Blood cells transport life-giving oxygen to our organs, and fight off infections. Many surgical and medical procedures require blood transfusions, so there is constant demand for donor blood. Can you help fill the Missing Types... of blood that is? Come join the NYP Blood Donation drive on 4-7 July.  The  bi-annual event, now in its 16th year,  is organized by our Community Service Club, in collaboration with the Singapore Red Cross. This event is open to NYP students as well as the public. Then, this year, share and create awareness for the event: Drop the A�s, B�s and O�s in your name and share it on social media in conjunction with the Missing Type campaign. A, B and O are the 3 out of the 4 blood types (the last blood type being AB) in the human body, with each compatible with a specific few other blood types. The  NYP�s Community Service Club driving the blood donation message home   Our friendly mascot at NYP's Koufu  encouraging diners to save lives. Dropping out the As, Bs