Is it Time to Buck Up?
22th September 2015 was the day our results were released. That had brought about different feelings from NYP students living all around Singapore. If you received the results you wished for, that is great. However, if you have received results that did not meet your expectations, then keep working harder and think of better methods to improve your grades. But no matter what your grades were, what matters is that you come to terms with it. If you realized that you have made mistakes with the way you have been approaching your studies, then, start over. There is no point in beating oneself up or blaming others. Here are some pointers that could help you achieve better results! 1) Cast aside feelings of regret or self-inferiority because the past is over Negative thoughts will not help you. There are many opportunities for everyone, and even if there are only a few opportunities, you should still go for them and advance yourself! It is never over, until you believe it is. Take every da