How a CCA Changed My Life

Me (extreme right) and my posse
In a few weeks, I will start my very last semester at Nanyang Poly.

It�s been nostalgic looking back on my last 2 and a half years here: I think I have achieved many milestones, from going through semester exams to completing my industrial attachment!

But I reckon the best thing I did in NYP was to join a CCA. Specifically, my CCA, The Communicators.

Why did I join a CCA when it�s not compulsory?

Nope, I�m not giving a long explanation on how CCA records can look good in portfolios. Instead, here�s my honest take.

Reason 1: I wanted to optimise my free time

During my first semester in Year 1, I was part of the carefree �go-home club� � I was free from CCA commitments after the last lesson of the day. It was such a nice departure from CCA commitments in Secondary School! I really enjoyed it.   Then in the middle of the semester, I realised that too much �free time� at home became �wasted time�! That was when I made up my mind to join something fun, so that I had something to commit to, and I could also contribute to NYP simultaneously.

Reason 2: I discovered my passion for writing (and many other things subsequently!)

I missed the CCA sign-up fair held at the start of the academic year, so I did some searching for CCAs on NYP's website.

Then my friend introduced me to her CCA, and she explained that we would contribute to NYP�s student blog. As I really liked writing, I thought I would give it a go.

This CCA turned out to be The Communicators. We do awesome things together, such as contributing to NYP�s social media channels as well as hosting secondary school students on campus!

What did I experience in the CCA?

I had many opportunities to contribute. On top of writing blog articles and taking photos for NYP's official social media pages, I also actively participated in NYP�s Outreach events such as course advising, school visits, and the Applied Studies Experience Programme (ASEP). My role in the ASEP was to bring secondary school students around the campus to learn more about the courses in NYP�s 7 Schools.

I also felt privileged to be part of the planning committee for �BE@NYP� last year. BE@NYP is a one-day camp held in November for upper secondary school students. It took us at least five months to prepare for the event! The event went well and our hard work and effort to make the camp an enjoyable one was worth it! ??

How did it change me?

Everyone picks up soft skills as they go through different phases of life, and I picked up mine as a Communicator.

For most of my CCA events, I started out alone as I barely knew any familiar faces. It has taught me independence � to go for things that make me happy, rather than hesitate just because my friends aren�t with me. But I met new people and made many valuable friendships since then!

Through planning and facilitation of the activities, I honed my leadership skills. For example, I learnt essential communication, decision-making and situational awareness skills, which were helpful when I had to lead groups of secondary school students for their campus tours.

My confidence has soared greatly after joining The Communicators. I am now better at analysing situations and believing in my choices. This was made possible through consistent participation in CCA events and the broadening of my social circle. I would not have these opportunities to gain self-confidence without involvement in activities beyond the classroom! I would still be known as the quiet student in class ??.

My advice
Join a CCA. Regardless of which year of study you�re in, it�s never too late. Make the best out of your poly life in NYP, because YOLO! ??

�The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.� � Bertrand Russell

Thank you for reading! ??


Interested in The Communicators?

By Boo Wei Ting, Diploma in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Technology

Wei Ting has always loved writing. Through writing for NYP�s blog, she has learnt to better present topics from her perspective. Apart from contributing to NYP�s social media platforms, Wei Ting also participates actively in outreach events and enjoys talking to her younger peers about life in poly.


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