Student Life Carnival Special!

Thinking of joining a CCA?

The Student Life Carnival is coming! This is like a mega fair where you can pick and choose something that interests you.

There are actually four different categories of CCAs available: Community Service & Environment, Arts & Culture, Sports & Adventure and Leadership & Character Development.

To help you find out what is each category like, we interviewed CCA members.

Here is what they each have to say:

Community Service and Environment Category

Meet Cham Reikia, a Year 2 student from the Diploma in Banking & Finance. She is also the Vice President of the Community Service Club (CSC).

Tell us more about CSC!
Reikia:  CSC helps students find joy in helping others and making a difference to their lives. CSC focuses mainly on three sectors � Community & Youth, Elderly, and Children with Special Needs. We collaborate with organisations such as Thye Hua Kwan and Singapore Christian Home to organise events and activities for residents. CSC also provides befriending opportunities for members and encourages intergenerational bonding between the elderly and volunteers.

How often do you have events?
Reikia: Our events takes place all year round, on weekdays and Saturdays (occasionally). When students sign up with us, they become members and will receive email alerts on upcoming events.  

Do you enjoy your CCA?
Reikia: Joining CSC gave me many opportunities to give back to society. I enjoy attending events and befriending the elderly, even if it�s for a short two-hour session. Additionally, the sense of satisfaction we get after a successful event is great as it shows the team�s planning has paid off!

What are three things you value most in the CCA?
Reikia:  1) My Committee � without them, our events would not go as planned. 2) Befriending opportunities � I�ve learnt to put myself in the beneficiaries� shoes. 3) The volunteers � they make the event a success. With them, we can focus on carrying out our activities better.

What are three things you have learnt in this CCA?
Reikia: 1) Move on from mistakes. At times, our events may not go as planned. I�ve learnt to adapt and move on quickly.
2) Time management. We may be planning many events at once and I learnt to manage my time better when juggling both school work and CCA.
3) Responsibility. As Overall-In-Charge for some events, I have learnt to be well prepared.

 Contact Us!
Instagram: @nypcsc
Facebook: NYP Community Service Club

Arts and Culture Category

Meet Muhammad Jufri, a Year 2 student pursuing his Diploma in Visual Communication. He is also the President of NYP�s street dance club, Foreign Bodies (FB).

Tell me more about Foreign Bodies!
Jufri: FB is a street dance club founded in 1992 by a group of nursing students who shared the same fiery passion for dance. Initially, it started with 10 members. Now, FB has grown to over 500 members. We are known for hip-hop, but over the years, FB has branched out to other genres and styles of dance like urban, swag, street jazz, and popping and locking!

What are the training sessions like?
Jufri: Training is usually be on Wednesdays and Fridays from 6.30pm to 9.45pm. If we are preparing for big events like Open House, training will be on a specific day. In the first year, members will learn a street dance genre called hip-hop. After the first year, members can branch out to pursue other genres.

When students sign up for FB, do they have to attend any auditions? What do you look out for  during auditions?�
Jufri: Yes, they have to attend an audition after they sign up at the Student Life  Carnival. The auditions will be held two to three weeks after. During the auditions, FB members will teach the participants a small set of steps. If they can catch and execute the choreography taught to them and if they have some dance background, it would help them pass the auditions. Nonetheless, we also welcome members without dance backgrounds!

Share three things you have learnt in FB.
Jufri: Hard work has helped me pull through the tough times. Commitment is important, and I learnt to be committed and truthful to my dance craft while running the club. I also learnt to be realistic in making decisions and making sacrifices. Lastly, I learnt to put aside the ego and lend a helping hand to people without any expectations.

Do you recommend students to take up a CCA?
Jufri: Yes! I highly recommend students to take up a CCA as it helps to spice up their poly life. Additionally, they can meet new friends who share the same passion. CCAs also provides opportunities that they won�t get elsewhere and it helps to develop their own character. With a CCA, they can become someone they never thought they could be.

Contact Us!
Instagram: @foreignbodies
Facebook: @NYPForeignBodies
Twitter: @Foreign_Bodies
Youtube: foreignbodiestv

Leadership and Character Development Category

Hi I�m Angela Ray, a Year 3 student from Accountancy & Finance. I�m also the Vice President of The Communicators!

Tell us more about The Communicators!
Me: Established in March 2017, The Communicators is a merger between two CCAs � The Write Stuff and Team Outreach. I was previously from The Write Stuff and I took photos and videos for NYP�s official social media accounts and wrote blog articles. Members of Team Outreach went out as ambassadors to secondary schools, explaining what NYP is about to prospective students. When the CCAs merged, our activities merged as well, and we became The Communicators. We do all the activities listed above and so much more.

What is the commitment like?
Me: We have many outreach events happening throughout the year where we share our poly experience with secondary school students and answer any queries they have with regards to NYP. Our members can choose which events to sign up for. For social media, we take photos and videos of events related to NYP for NYP�s official Instagram and Facebook page. For the blog, we write articles (like what I am doing right now).
Lastly, we also plan events like the Be@NYP event for secondary school students. Our members become group leaders/ game masters, we have a roaring good time and make loads of friends.

Are there any requirements to join The Communicators?
Me: Not at all! We welcome members of different backgrounds! Students who sign up with The Communicators during The Student Life Carnival will be invited to attend Camp Famille -  a two-day, superhero- (think Running Man) themed experience on 27 & 28 April 2018. More details on our Instagram page!

How has the CCA helped you?
Me: I learnt how to market and communicate effectively, by understanding who my audience is.
When attending outreach events, we have to understand that the secondary school students may not understand how the polytechnic system works. Besides learning these life skills, we also pick up public speaking and event management.
It�s pretty awesome when my entries appear in the official NYP IG and FB accounts.
I get to write stuff, and help influence my peers and secondary school students.
And the CCA always tries to stretch our leadership skills.

What are three things you value most in the CCA?
Me:  Firstly, the leadership opportunities members receive. As an ordinary member, I received many opportunities to lead in events like BE@NYP and in camps. We were not forced to lead, but rather, we were encouraged to do so.
Secondly, the family spirit. We meet each other often during events and get to know each other at the same time, we support each other through thick and thin.
Lastly, my �family members�. Without the members, our events would not be successful and enjoyable. We would not be able to reach greater heights without team work! 

Contact Us!
Instagram and Facebook: @nypcommunicators
For more details on what we do, visit our Instagram page to download the e-brochure!

Sports and Adventure Category

Meet Soh Yong Bin, a Year 3 student pursuing his diploma in Accountancy & Finance. He is also the Secretary and Treasurer of NYP�s Life Saving CCA.

Tell us more about Life Saving!
Yong Bin: Life Saving can be a skill, a course or an event! In NYP, Life Saving is a sport. As a sport, we swim for a cause and learn how to guard lives. We compete and train to be better life savers,
In Life Saving, we take part in competitions that consists of 19 different events, such as 200m Obstacles Swim, Rescue Medley and Line Throw, all of which are held in the pool. There are also events such as the Beach Sprint, Board Surf and Rescue-Tube-Rescue: These are held at Sentosa�s beaches. 

How are your training sessions like?
Yong Bin: Our training sessions are varied, depending on the event / competition we are preparing for. Our training activities usually ranges from improving our swim stroke, practicing for competitions and casual team-building water activities.
Our training sessions are held on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm at NYP�s swimming pool.

Do students have to attend any trials?
Yong Bin: Yes! There will be a 1-2 day orientation session for students to try out the wide array of equipment we usually use during training! If time permits, we will give them a sneak peek of our training regime!

What are three values you have learnt in Life Saving?
Yong Bin: Commitment. Every member is committed to the sport and the team. We always have each other�s back in times of need. In Life Saving, I experienced how it feels to be fully committed to a cause.
Discipline. As NYP Life Savers, we work hard and play hard. However, discipline is something that we cultivate as a team and it runs in our blood. It helps us to accomplish tasks and helps me to improve myself.
Teamwork. Without our team mates and their support, we would not be able to achieve our goals (and medals). Additionally, I have learnt to trust and depend on my teammates to carry me forward.

What motivates you in your CCA?
Yong Bin: Every single time that I head down for training, I feel sparks of excitement that explodes into a fiery passion. There is an inner need to push myself further and faster. It is the drive to seek constant improvement and the knowledge that your whole team will support you. That motivates me.

Contact us!
Instagram: @nyplifesaving

Head down to Student Life Carnival to learn more about the other CCAs!
Date:    19 April 2018, 11am � 7pm
            20 April 2018, 11am � 6pm
Venue:  Auditorium Lobby & Function Room and Atrium

Download the NYP app on IOS and Android to sign up for CCAs you are interested in.

Written by: Oh Angela Ray, Diploma in Accountancy and Finance

Oh yes! HI, IT�S ME AGAIN! :)

Angela is a passionate writer and photographer who believes in doing her best, to the best of her ability. As the Vice President of The Communicators, she works hard to lead the CCA to greater heights. She enjoys sharing useful information and believes in lending a helping hand when she can. She encourages all NYPians to enjoy their campus life and make the most out of their time in NYP.
For more information about Angela�s CCA, check out The Communicator�s Instagram page!


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