5 Common Mistakes Not to Make During Examinations

With the semestral examinations round the corner, most of us would be hitting our books right about now. And while it�s totally important that we�re well prepared for the exam hall, there are five things you could do to totally torpedo your chances at success! Don�t commit these mistakes!

1. Forget Your Seat Number
With all the information you have crammed into your head, it�s easy to forget the simplest things � like your seat number, I kid you not. There have been records of people forgetting their seat number and sitting on the wrong table. This mistake is small but there are huge consequences. The last thing you would want is to submit your paper under the wrong name! Always take note of your seat number and ensure you�re seated at the right table before you proceed with the paper.

2. Forget the Necessary Stationery 
It sounds basic BUT do not leave your calculator at home! Even if you have brought your calculator, ensure that it isn�t faulty and you have working batteries with you. If this is your first time using a calculator for your papers, be sure to get a sticker of approval from i@Central. Ensure that you have all the necessary stationery packed the night before your examination.

(Side Note: Another important thing you must not forget is your Admin Card. The card will also help you to avoid committing mistake 1.)

3. Misread Questions
One of the most common mistakes made during examinations is being careless! Many times, the questions in our examination booklets have various requirements and can be tricky. Just glancing at it can result in careless mistakes. This includes providing unnecessary or extra information that takes up too much of the allocated time. Read each question carefully and make sure you provide the answer the examiners are really asking for. A good tip is to note the amount of marks given for each question. This will help you gauge how much information you have to provide.

4. Spot the Wrong Questions

Students often refer to past examination papers to �spot� topics. This is quite a gamble as you will never know if lady luck is on your side. Don�t risk it and start your revision early. Cover as many topics as your brain allows you to and you will be ready for anything thrown at you.

5. Leave the Examination Hall as Soon as You Finish Your Paper
As we are allowed to turn in our papers early and leave when we are done, you will see students streaming out of the examination hall earlier than expected. Of course, you do not have to stay on if you have finished your paper early, but don�t be impatient! Use the extra time to double check your answers and question numbers, and submit your paper only when you are sure you did not commit mistake number 3! Regret should be the last thing on your mind after the examination.

You have probably heard these exam stories from your lecturers but another friendly reminder can�t hurt. Good luck for the upcoming examinations and here�s to a good end for semester one!

By Germaine Leow, Diploma in Mass Media Management 

Alongside her interests in writing and photography, Germaine aims to provide the best campus updates during her 4 years in NYP. With a Mass Media Management Diploma waiting for her at the end of her polytechnic journey, she promised herself never to forget the importance of hard work. 


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