The Foundation to Success

Skipping out on his GCE O-Levels through the Nanyang Polytechnic Foundation Programme (NYPFP), former Normal (Academic) student Ryan Christian Mission took an unconventional route to his dream course at Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP)!

Armed with outstanding GCE N-Level results, former Commonwealth Secondary School student Ryan Christian Mission gained a spot in NYP without even having to sit for his O-Level examinations. This was all thanks to the Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP), which enables high-scoring students in the Normal (Academic) stream to attend a year in PFP instead of secondary 5, where they would study relevant modules to their respective choice of course in poly year 1, as well as common modules as in secondary school � Language & Communication (English), Mathematics, Physical Education and more.

Securing his position at the School of Interactive & Digital Media (SIDM) at NYP a whole year before his peers, Ryan explained, �[SIDM] is known as one of the best schools for those who aspire to work in the digital media industry. I chose [to apply for] NYPFP because I knew where my passion lies, so I wanted to get a head start at learning in a polytechnic.�

Currently into his second year with NYP, Ryan�s foundation year (also known as year 0) consisted of relevant modules like Design Foundation and Applied Arts. The course not only allowed him to gain useful knowledge for his future career, it also helped him integrate from secondary school to poly life smoothly. Despite an inevitable increase in workload as compared to year 0, Ryan was able to cope well. �Instead of spending another year in secondary school, I was able to use the year to adapt to polytechnic life, make new friends and learn many things such as proper time management.�

He leaves his juniors with a wise piece of advice: �[At NYP], I learned that with proper time management, you will be able to get the best out of not only your academics, but also your social life in NYP! Be open to try new things, never say never� If you know what you are passionate about and what you want to pursue in the future, go for the PFP!�

Published in the Jan 2017 Issue of Teenage Magazine. Reproduced with Permission.


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