From Poor Grades to Institutional Medalist

Despite taking a longer route than usual, Prabhmeet Kaur persevered and her efforts
have rewarded her with the 2016 Tay Eng Soon Award for ITE Upgrader.
Source: The Straits Times @ Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Permission required for reproduction
Confident and articulate, one will not be able to tell that Prabhmeet Kaur, the 2016 School of Business Management Valedictorian once struggled with poor grades in her in secondary school.

The 24-year-old alumna failed maths twice during her �O� levels and could not apply to a polytechnic. She eventually enrolled in the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) in a biotech course, a "practical" choice because of her interest in science.

However, she discovered she did not like the laboratory environment, and instead found a passion for writing and public speaking as a student ambassador at school events. Prabhmeet subsequently applied through the Special Direct Admissions Exercise to NYP�s Diploma in Mass Media Management course and became the first ITE student to be accepted into it.

During her course of studies in NYP, she had seen her mother undergo cancer treatment and suffer a relapse. As a result, she had to take up part-time jobs to help out with the family�s finances. Despite these challenges, Prabhmeet remained positive and focused. Her efforts were rewarded when she received the Tay Eng Soon Award for ITE Upgrader - presented to the most outstanding graduand who progressed to NYP from ITE. She was also a recipient of the MediaCorp Gold Medal Award.

Prabhmeet is currently studying in the School of Social Sciences in Singapore Management University. She said, �My Diploma course in Mass Media Management has helped to hone my communication, writing and multitasking skills. I am now able to better articulate my ideas during class discussions in SMU.�

Prabhmeet�s confidence was demonstrated during her Teaching Enterprise Practicum in production and channel management for NYP TV in 2015. Her ability to connect with her peers and talents earned her good grades and positive peer appraisals. During her internship at Leo Burnett, a renowned advertising agency, Prabhmeet was attached to their Digital Project Development team where she was involved in the design and production of marketing collaterals.

She also joined the highly-respected NYP�s Current Affairs & Debating Club to hone her oratory skills and eventually became its President. She led her club to win a Gold at the European Union Debate Competition in 2014.

Prabhmeet�s dream is to become a broadcast journalist reporting from war-stricken countries so that she can combine her love for current affairs and communications with advocacy for the less fortunate. She said with conviction, �Do not be afraid to fail. Otherwise, you will not know the value of true success.�

Indeed, NYP has supported many students like Prabhmeet to achieve their goals.

Because We Can


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