Building your future with CUF 2016

I didn�t know what I wanted to do after I graduated from polytechnic. But the Career & University Fair (CUF) which took place at NYP last week has made me look forward to my future!

The fair was held over two days at the atrium and auditorium of NYP. Students were strongly encouraged to attend this exhibition, so I did just that on the second day with my class. Classes were allocated different timings to visit the exhibition. At first, I thought it would be a waste of time, but surprisingly, it turned out to be very worthwhile!

Day 1 of the exhibition focused on Business, Information Technology and Media & Design sectors, while Day 2 was dedicated to Science and Engineering sectors. On both days, activities were planned for students to discover themselves and their career and further studies prospects in simple, yet meaningful ways.
Self-Discovery Booth

Activity sheet
The first booth I walked into captured most of my attention. It was called the �Self-Discovery Garden�. It was nicely decorated with plants, and various fruits to represent different personalities. An activity sheet was given to students to complete (see picture above). We had to circle five words that best described ourselves, out of a list of words that were each represented by a different fruit. The fruit that had the most circles would represent the personality which resembles you most. Then, he or she can check out a description of his/her personality inside the �garden� of fruits! I was an �orange�, which basically means I�m �detail-orientated� and I will �strive for perfection�. Pretty true.
Photo booth
Next, I went to the photo booth, and it was as interesting as the previous booth. We were told to pick up a single-word prop-board that best described our traits, hold it up and take a group photo with our Personal Mentor (PEM), against a backdrop. It wasn�t as easy as it sounded, I had a hard time picking the most suitable board for myself. In the end, I chose the word �Researching�.On a side note, the best PEM group photos taken would also get to win some prizes!

After these activities, we were free to wander around the exhibition, and visit the other booths to get more information about the various career and university prospects offered by companies and institutions. Due to time constraints, I zeroed in onto a few booths which were the most relevant to my course.

There, I was amazed to realize the wide range of job positions offered to Chemical Engineering students like me! There were so many job opportunities, and the exhibitors were also patient and enthusiastic in explaining more about their companies or institutions.

Students engaged in conversation with an exhibitor
Most of my classmates were very glad to have attended the exhibition as they are now more knowledgeable about the various options available when they graduate from NYP. They have definitely cleared their doubts on what their courses offered in terms of future prospects.
To those who participated in CUF, I hope you had fun, and discovered new traits about yourself and your future prospects!

By: Boo Wei Ting, Diploma in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Technology         


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