SIDM Movie Night 2016

SIDM Movie Night is an annual affair for the alumni and current students of NYP�s School of Interactive and Digital Media (SIDM). This year�s event was held on 20th May 2016, at Shaw Theatres Lido. A total of 455 alumni from the Class of 2000 to 2016 attended the event!

I had the privilege of attending this year�s get-together with my fellow Write Stuff teammate, Jess Poh. The movie screened was X-men: Apocalypse. This event was a great opportunity for the alumni to catch up with their old friends and lecturers, as well as to do some networking with the current SIDM students.

The collection of the movie tickets, with complimentary popcorn and drinks, started at 8.30pm. The atmosphere was very relaxed as students and lecturers alike caught up with each other. There was also a palpable buzz of excitement in the air as the guests looked forward to the action packed movie ahead of them.

The first pair of alumni interviewed were Hazel Natto and Jonathan Hwang, who were both chatting animatedly with one of their old lecturers. They both graduated in 2009 with a Diploma in Digital Media and Design. When asked about their reasons for attending the SIDM Movie Night, both of them told us that �It�s fun and a great chance to catch up with friends, juniors and lecturers to see how they�re doing.�

Jonathan also proudly added that he has been attending the SIDM movie night every year, and it�s likely that he would return for next year�s event. Jonathan is currently running his own business doing online retailing and web development.

�This event is also a good opportunity for networking,� he added.

Jonathan and Hazel 

Next we spoke to Melissa Ho, who graduated in 2014 with a Diploma in Animation. She attends SIDM Movie night because �it�s cheap and good� and �a fantastic opportunity to socialise with friends and teachers, as well as to watch a cool new movie�.

She too has attended previous SIDM movie nights and like Jonathan, has turned up every year to catch up with her friends. She is currently employed at Oglivy & Mather and when asked if she had any advice to give to the current SIDM students, she replied: �Work hard and enjoy your time in school.�

Last but not least we had Karmen Chian, who graduated in 2013 with a Diploma in Digital Media Design (Games). She attended the gathering for the movie and this was her first time attending the event. She found the event fun and entertaining, and has also managed to catch up with her lecturers. She�s currently studying at Digipen and doing an internship at Landshark games.

�Poly life is easy, but the outside world is tough!� she lamented.

From left: Karmen and her friend

Before the movie started, Director of SIDM, Mr Daniel Tan, gave a succinct speech to thank all the alumni for coming. He also took the time to welcome some visitors from Thailand, who were in Singapore on an exchange programme, to the event before giving the signal to start the movie screening.

X-men Apocalypse is a rip-roaring tale full of action and adventure, and the plot revolves around a bunch of untrained mutants with potent superpowers who fight against an ancient megalomaniac from ancient Egypt who was resurrected and has plans to �cleanse� the world. I was blown away by the spectacular visual effects and I enjoyed the explosive fight scenes immensely.
A 360-degree photo of all the alumni, VIPs, guests, and family members at Alumni Movie Night 2016

It was really heart-warming to see so many alumni still keeping in touch with NYP. I am honoured to have had the opportunity to attend such an event and many thanks to those who worked hard to make sure that the night was a success.

By Brina Lim, Diploma in Molecular biotechnology

Brina is a second year student in the Molecular Biotechnology course, and her hobbies include reading and writing. She is an avid fan of Jodi Picoult�s books and has loved the Harry Potter series since she was a child. She enjoys reading news about England�s royal family and finds a role model in Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge. Her favourite artiste is Taylor Swift and her dream vacation would be in London, touring the museums, visiting the Buckingham palace and spending time beside the river Thames.


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