What's good at Foodgle?

Since the start of this month, Foodgle Hub Food Court has gained the title of being Nanyang Polytechnic�s 5th canteen. Located in the newly built Block P Convention Centre, the food court is open every weekday from 7.30am to 7.30pm, and Saturday from 7.30am to 2pm. It features several brand-new stalls!

What�s even better about the food court is that diners there can enjoy their food in an air-con environment!  Yes, this is our second air-conditioned food court!

One of the great things about food is getting to eat it! However, with so many new choices, even I would not know what to pick!

Hence, to help you narrow your choices, here are some of the new dishes, and opinions of them from our fellow NYP schoolmates.

First up is a local dish that can be found almost everywhere, chicken rice (Halal)!

Here�s what Daniel Benjamin Ang, an Accounting & Finance student, has to say:
�The chicken was tender and succulent! But the rice was rather plain.  Yet, after eating it with the dark sauce, everything fitted perfectly.�

Next, we have the sweet, sour and spicy Phat Thai with crunchy peanut bits!

�It�s very crunchy, and the sourness is just nice. The noodles taste great too!� said Lim San Ho from the Diploma in Fund Management & Administration.

Next up is the Nasi Ayam Panggang set from Indonesian Express (Halal)!

Imagine taking a bite of that huge drumstick glazed with sweet barbeque sauce.

�It�s great! The chicken is very tender while the BBQ sauce is sweet. Although the curry felt unnecessary, it was delicious overall and I give it full marks,� remarked Jesman Seah, from the Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Moving on, we check out the mini Bak Kut Teh in a cute basket!

Tried and tasted by Seah Yang Qi from Fund Management & Administration, she said: �The soup has a good and strong meaty flavour which I enjoyed.�

However, Jed Tham Yu Xiang, from the same course, stated:� It�s rather normal. I�ve tasted better Bak Kut Teh.�

Next is the Thai Fried Rice topped with an egg, and the Fried KL Hokkien Mee! Spiced with chilli padi, and soaked in seafood gravy after being wok fried, the Hokkien Mee sounds perfect.

For the Thai Fried Rice, its taster, Kam Jia Qi, from Fund Management & Administration, said: �It smells so good, and it has a salty flavour that I love. I rate it 7/10.�

Lastly, for snacks, you can get almost everything at Taiwan Ichiban! For $2.50, you can enjoy the crispy potato fries, fried mushroom, fried squid and fish! You can also get their signature crispy chicken for $3 or more.

Tried and tasted by Xu Jie from Pharmaceutical Sciences, he commented, �It�s tasted really good and crispy, especially with the savoury vibrant potato flavour. I give it a 4/5.�

If that isn�t enough, there�s also the savoury round takoyaki balls stall located in the middle of the canteen!

�So soft and mushy, and the sweet sauce is super irresistible,� said Seah Yang Qi from Fund Management & Administration.

Hungry yet? What are you waiting for then? Astons and Gong Cha? So am I.

Taste is subjective, hence, everyone will have something that he or she particularly likes.
Go and venture forth and challenge your taste buds! After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained!

We would appreciate your views also.

And may you be rewarded with a happy tummy!

By Sharlene Tan, Diploma in Fund Management & Administration

�The strongest hearts are the ones that have been broken.� 

Setbacks are unavoidable in life, but what matters is picking yourself up.? Being one of the new members of The Write Stuff, Sharlene Tan is on her amazing journey to living life fulfilled. 
Her family and friends are the ones who have kept her going, and they mean the world to her. 


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