Record Breaking Dance-Off at NYP!

On Saturday afternoon 20 June 2015, Nanyang Polytechnic hosted Singapore�s largest Zumba dance as part of the �SG50 Harmony Swing� at the NYP Stadium.  Despite the hot weather, a record breaking number 3,578 participants showed up! We definitely beat Singapore�s previous record of 1,162 participants!

The event was organised in conjunction with Thye Hwa Kuan Moral Society and aims to promote a healthy and active lifestyle. In addition, we also celebrated Singapore�s diverse culture and the nation�s 50th birthday.

Registration booths at the Atrium

By 3.30pm the registration booths at the atrium were swarming with students and the public. All participants received a free white T-shirt and coloured wristband. There was also candyfloss, game stands and magic tricks performed to entertain the participants. Student volunteers clad in green T-shirts were also busy ushering the participants to the stadium and handing out bottled water and packaged bread to anyone who was feeling thirsty or hungry.
Magic Tricks

Samantha Lim, a Secondary 4 participant from Presbyterian High School, said: "I like the cotton candy and magic tricks provided before the dance! It was so entertaining! I�m here because I heard Zumba is a great way to lose weight!"

The event officially kicked off at 5pm, with the emcee welcoming the participants enthusiastically. She then proceeded to organise the participants by the colour of their wristbands - pink in the front, yellow in the middle and blue at the back.

Enthusiastic participants!

Meanwhile, the student volunteers did their best to coax the seniors from Thye Hwa Kuan Moral Society, who were sitting down, to take part in the Zumba dancing.

Participants were then treated to a short fashion show featuring ethnic costumes such as the Chinese Chongsam and the Indian Saree.

Soon after, the Minister of Education, Mr Heng Swee Keat, the Guest of Honour, arrived with much aplomb. In his speech, he urged citizens to continue to build and maintain a harmonious society.
At last! Zumba instructors from Zinga Fitness led the warm ups and the Zumba dancing itself.
Energetic numbers such as �Timber� and �Party Rock Anthem� were played, as well as catchy and
danceable medleys of cross-cultural music.

My fellow classmate Tan Qian Tong from Molecular Biotechnology enjoyed the event immensely despite the sweltering heat.

�This event is a great opportunity for me to exercise. Zumba is a fun way to relieve stress and keep fit at the same time!� he said.

The event ended at 7pm, leaving many participants with happy memories that will last a long time.

By Brina Lim, Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology

Brina is a first year student in the Molecular Biotechnology course, and her hobbies include reading and writing. She is an avid fan of Jodi Picoult�s books and loves the Harry Potter series, something she�s done since she was a child. She enjoys reading news about England�s royal family and finds a role model in Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge. Her favourite artiste is Taylor Swift and her dream vacation would be in London, touring the museums there, visiting the Buckingham palace and spending time beside the river Thames.


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