Life at NYP Starts from the Family - Ethel Chan

Meet Ethel. She�s a current 2nd-year Diploma in Digital Game Art & Design student. Her elder brother has a Diploma in Game Development & Technology. Her mother has an Advanced Diploma in Nursing. Her father, Daniel Chan, just graduated in May with an Advanced Diploma in Paramedicine.

And they all graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic!
The Chan Family (Ethel is in blue) 

Ethel initially did not choose Nanyang Poly as she could not qualify for the Diploma in Digital Game Art & Design. It was thanks to some guidance from her father, Daniel, who convinced her to include Nanyang Poly as one of her 12 choices after her "O" levels results were out, that Ethel's gamble paid off - her ELR2B2 actually qualified her for the course.

Commenting on how the family has influenced Ethel�s decision, Daniel said, �My wife and I believed that God created each and every one of us uniquely and equipped each of us with different talents. As parents, we cannot simply influence our children based on our own hopes. They too have their own mind and passion in life, thus what we can do is to seek to understand them by listening and communicating with them while helping them to  discover their talents.�

Ethel comes from a big family. She has 3 siblings in total, an elder brother who�s currently serving in National Service, a younger sister who just started secondary school and a younger brother in primary 3. Though it�s too early for her younger brother to decide on his tertiary education, Ethel commented that her sister would not be following in her elder siblings and parents footsteps. Her aspiring baker younger sister has her sights on Temasek Polytechnic as Nanyang Poly does not have a dedicated baking course.

Ethel has always had an interest in drawing. She even took art as a subject in secondary school. Thanks to some advice from her elder brother, Ethel was able to choose the right course in Nanyang Poly.

Digital Game Art & Design involves an understanding of concepts in games, game levels, art, and more.

�At first, I was only a little interested in gaming, but after my brother told me it is a very fun and enjoyable course because I can do both art and games at the same time, I decided to go for it!� she said.

Ethel is unfazed by the fact that three members of her family were from Nanyang Poly when it was time for her to choose a school after her O levels. Her decision was based solely on her interest.

She said, �Here, the technology and facilities available on campus are very advanced, and I think I will be able to learn more skills.�

Her father agrees that it was a good idea for Ethel to enrol in Nanyang Poly.

�NYP is committed to providing quality education and training. It collaborates with various government agencies and industries and understands the needs and aspirations of its students well,� he said

Being an artistic person, Ethel also enjoys sewing.

�It is very relaxing, especially when you are super stressed. You need to do something to help relieve it,� she said.

Some of her sewing projects include a pencil case, which she is still using, a handphone pouch, a wallet and mini figurines.

As a family, the Chans like to go out and eat. During their free time throughout the school holidays, they often go out on mini outings, taking the chance to bond with each other.  Their favourite restaurant is Japanese casual restaurant, Watami.

With a smile, Ethel is excited to note that her family is not a typical one. The Chans are a hyper energetic bunch. She feels lucky to have non-traditional parents who are not stern and do not stress much on getting good grades. Instead, they emphasise more on letting their children choose their own path, as long as it makes them happy.

Thanks to Daniel & Ethel for taking time off your busy schedule to talk to us!

By Felicia Kwan, Diploma in Food Science & Nutrition student

Felicia is an aspiring writer who loves to eat & travel around the world. She is also an avid reader, and hopes to inspire the world with her writing one day.


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