Unleash 2015 � Finding the Right Vocation

For us as students, deciding what to do after we complete our diploma is normally a vexing duty. Thankfully, for Diploma in Social Science (Social Work) students, there is an annual career and education talk organized by the programme-planning module students.

After 8 weeks of planning  our career talk , titled Unleash 2015, was executed on the 25th of May, by a group of only 6 students, and 27 volunteers assisting in controlling human traffic, putting up decorations, taking pictures, and more.

The team

The talk attracted an audience of 120 students from Year 1 to Year 3.

In the first segment, UniSIM introduced its new degree programme - Bachelor of Social Work. This programme begins next year, so we would be the pioneer batch if we decide to join it!

Following the informative session by UniSIM, we had the opportunity to hear more from a youth worker and a social worker from Fei Yue FSC�s YouthGO programme. They told us how they engage youths under their care, which was highly inspiring. These committed social workers spend 12-hour shifts as part of their duty toengage youths-at-risk through activities such as soccer or basketball- activities that youth enjoy. Not only do they build rapport through these sports, they also educate youths about values like integrity and discipline as part of preventive intervention.

 A youth worker sharing his knowledge

Next up was a sharing session by NUS which wants its students to be thinkers and believes in �Unity in Diversity�. Most of us were enticed by the wide variety of elective modules they offer, apart from their already very comprehensive package of core modules. The university also offers quite a number of scholarships and sponsorships for students!

A lecturer from NUS sharing more about its Social Work programme

To ensure that we were listening, the organizing committee came up with an ingenious idea. They asked some questions after each sharing session, and those who answered correctly were given a treat!
One of the winners. Congrats! 

Soon, it was time for intermission! Time to fill our tummies before we carried on with Unleash 2015!
Good food!

After the break, a social worker from the correctional field shared some interesting experiences with us. We had an engaging and fun filled session with him, and laughter virtually filled the room!

The final presentation of the day was by a representative from the medical sector, and she left us in tears.

As if showing us a touching video about what everyday patients go through was not enough, she even shared her own experiences with tragedies, death and grieving.

The day ended with a walk around some booths, manned by seniors and alumni. The booths were based on different sectors of social work, and aimed to educate participants more about each sector.

Each participant was given a card to be filled up with stamps as they visited each booth. When participants finished collecting the stamps, they could then collect a goodie bag and take a photo at the booth set up nearby.
Some of the year 3s in charge of the booths

Unleash 2015 was certainly a memorable event, and we walked away more informed and equipped to pursue our vocation in social work!

Said Natasha Misson, a Year 1 student, �The talks made me realize that there are so many opportunities out there for us social workers, and we should not hold ourselves back.�

By Matthew Tan Ser Yung, Diploma in Social Science (Social Work)


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