Juggling with busy school life and a burgeoning interest in running, Nabin Parajuli, a Year 3 student in Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management, School of Business Management, explores his path beyond to fulfil his full potential.

Nabin is an anomaly in the world of sports. A librarian in secondary school, his talent for running was accidentally discovered when he joined the first race in his life, in NYP, and came in fourth place. His coach, Mr Tho Yow Kin, said that it was rare for someone without any running experience to finish so close to the Athletic team members, who had been training consistently.

Initially refusing to train regularly, Nabin changed his mind after taking part in the Institute-Varsity Polytechnic (IVP) Games. �Representing the school gave me a sense of pride and motivated me to train hard.� Nabin also revealed his other motivation, �I like the NYP Athletic Team�s t-shirt (laughs).�

In the short space of two years, Nabin has come a long way. Not only has he broken records at the IVP Games in 2013, he also came in a close second to Mok Ying Ren, Singapore�s top marathoner in the Hong Bao Run earlier this year. Moreover, he has developed his signature style of running � barefooted, or natural running (as it is more popularly known) � and even inspired some of his team-mates to follow suit.

However, it was crucial for him to manage his time between training, schoolwork and helping his mum with the family business. �I had to sacrifice my social life and mark out what was important to me.� Joining Track & Field has also made him more disciplined, he shared. �I began to prioritise my time and plan my schedule. I became more detailed and in a way, a more mature individual.�

Currently in his final year, Nabin is planning to incorporate his passion into his future with the guidance of his coach. �Being an athlete is a choice for me, and I would definitely look forward to organising and managing sports-related events. I am very thankful to my coach who is always there for me, guiding me in my studies and my aspirations.�
Nabin (squatting in the front) with his teammates and supporters
Yearn to have an exciting adventure developing your passion while studying, like Nabin? Be innovative and enterprising, come choose your own adventure at NYP Open House from 8 to 10 Jan 2015!

Part of this article was published in the December 2014 Issue of Teenage Magazine. Reproduced with permission.


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