Star Internship

Talented and driven, this Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) alumna stepped up during her internship and scored opportunity of a lifetime.

Chong Shu Xin
Alumna, Diploma in Accountancy & Finance
School of Business Management

How do you make the most of an internship? Ask Shu Xin, who landed a coveted job with Ernst & Young (E&Y), a Big Four audit firm. Step #1: outstanding work performance. Apart from administrative work, she was also given other more challenging duties in various areas that required more thinking and experience. The skills and experience she acquired from the Teaching Enterprise Project at NYP, like accounting management and customer service, sure came in handy.

Step #2: take the path less trodden. Wanting to focus on gaining experience, Shu Xin decided to enter the working world, despite her good GPA score of 3.78 and being eligible for undergraduate studies. But before making this big decision, she turned to her trusted teachers for guidance. She revealed, �Although it was ultimately my decision, my lecturers shared the pros and cons of each option with me and prepared me for what�s coming ahead.� Her internship manager from E&Y also gave her helpful advice, promising to guide her if she came back to E&Y.

Four years passed and today, Shu Xin is pursuing her professional ACCA qualification under E&Y�s sponsorship while working as an audit executive. For her excellent performance at work, she�s been promoted and received a salary increment. She shared, �NYP bridges the gap between what we study and what we do in the future. It�s especially beneficial for me because the modules I had learnt are applicable for both my job and pursuit of ACCA qualifications. I have up to six paper exemptions!�

Be innovative and enterprising, choose your own adventure at NYP Open House from 8 to 10 Jan 2015!

Published in the December 2014 Issue of Teenage Magazine. Reproduced with Permission.


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