SHS Celebrates CIE Day!

Fiona Yoong, from nursing class NR1320
On 4 November 2014, the School of Health Sciences (SHS) celebrated its annual CIE day. In CIE, �C� stands for creative, �I� stands of innovation, and �E� stands for enterprise.

On this special day, we celebrate the unique talents of students in SHS. As each of our unique talents may not be recognised due to our school and career commitments, it is great to celebrate CIE day! Students are given an opportunity to showcase their Creativity, Innovativeness and Enterprise through their booths, or performances.

The booths were set up at the atrium, and outdoors (around the atrium). All of the booths went through a rigorous selection process before they were selected for display. The items and services sold consisted of rainbow looms, nail polish, flower growing kits, and much more. The performers did not have it easy as well. They had to go through many rehearsals and auditions before finally being selected to perform on stage.

As expected, the booths and performances all proved that SHS students are indeed  creative, innovative, and enterprising! There were plenty of creative ideas the students came up with. Unfortunately, I could not explore every stall, as there were really too many! There was even an Xbox Kinect set for the crowd to try out!

Making her nails pretty!

Flower growing kit- time to do some horticulture and make this earth greener!

Cheap rainbow looms! 

Time to stock up on new clothes! 

These smart students brought over some merchandise from Korea to sell!

Let�s move those limbs at the Kinect station! 

We even have a �jungle� here!

Who�s up for some fun?

In order to attract customers, students also came up with very interesting ideas! Here are some of them.
Literally a walking advertisement! 

Using balloons as a �marketing strategy� 

Creatively designed posters

There were also the stage performances happening at the atrium. The crowd was totally hyped up by the Talent Time performances and the interactive segments with the audience. A lucky winner was chosen after every performance, so there were plenty of prizes to give away.

Not to forget, there were also attractive prizes for the Talent Time contestants!

One of the winners of the Talent Time event. Look at the bright smiles!

Prizes, in the form of NTUC vouchers, were given to every group that participated in the Talent Time, and no talent was left out. Most of the booths, which were challenged to make a profit of $100, succeeded as well. Special mention goes to the class which set up the �Mad Tube� booth, which won the most Creative, Innovative and Enterprising booth award. They offered the unique service of writing the name of their clients on test tubes.
The winning booth! 

Fiona Yoong, a student from nursing class NR1320, was excited about her experience as a singer during the event. She was the lead singer of her class and sang the song �Reflection�, which was featured in the famous Disney movie �Mulan�.

Fiona and her class won the award for being the most creative group in the Talent Time competition, but her class did not care too much about the prize.

�We achieved the award as a group, our friendship strengthened. That matters more than anything,� she said.

By Matthew Tan Ser Yung, Diploma in Social Sciences (Social Work)

Matthew is 20 and pursuing his Diploma in Social Sciences (Social Work) at NYP. He may have suffered a traumatic brain injury in a judo competition and may have lost his hopes of becoming a judo champion, but he has found new passion and interest in writing. He is happy to share how he feels and thinks, and hopes to encourage his readers with his writing


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